Free Harry Potter Alohomora SVG File – This svg file was because of a special request from a Harry Potter fan. You can also just use the Harry Potter skeleton key without the word… Please read details below.
About this file – This file is easy to use. This file has been grouped which means the key and the word will be cut separately but if you want them to cut together… after it’s uploaded to Design Space select all and weld. If you weld it be sure to keep the aspect ration to not distort “the key”. Please not the key it very detailed so the smaller you cut it the more errors you may encounter.
Again! This file is grouped so if you would like to use the key alone you can easily X out the word. Have fun I hope you enjoy it.
This file is for personal use only.
If you’d like to share this file with friends please refer them to freesvgs.com directly.
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